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Home page NIKA_ROOT ÑÓÁÄ CommonBase 1.4 ÏÓÁËÈÊÀÖÈÈ CW-Moscow,1993, July 21 Ññûëêà CW-Moscow,1993, July 21 ÑÓÁÄ Access 1.0
Ññûëêà Access 1.0 ÊÎÌÏÀÍÈÈ Microsoft Corp. => Microsoft Corp. Ïàêåòû ÑÓÁÄ FoxPro =>
FoxPro ÏÓÁËÈÊÀÖÈÈ Moser K.D. For Responds to Customer Needs With FoxPro Upgrade, UsersSay//PC Week. - 1990. - October 22. - P. 75,78. Ññûëêà A tool for organizing Web information / Mahalingam K., Huhns M.N. // Computer.-1997.-Vol.30, N 6.-P. 80-83.' ; writeUnderCond(s); //--> " title="> ">>