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NIKA_ROOT ÑÓÁÄ BusinessObjects for Windows (V.2.2) ÊÎÌÏÀÍÈÈ Business Objects, Inc. => Business Objects, Inc. Ïàêåòû ÑÓÁÄ
BusinessObjects for Windows (V.2.2) ÊÎÌÏÀÍÈÈ Business Objects, Inc. => Business Objects, Inc. => Business Objects, Inc. Ïàêåòû ÑÓÁÄ BusinessObjects for Windows (V.2.2)
ÊÎÌÏÀÍÈÈ Business Objects, Inc. => Business Objects, Inc. Ïàêåòû
BusinessObjects (V.2.2)
    BusinessObjects (V.2.2)
    BusinessObjects (V.2.2)
        Apple Macintosh
      Ïîääåðæêà=phone support 
      Database front-end. Accesses relational databases by using familiar
      business terminology. Client/server tool. Supports popular
      relational databases. Executes ad hoc data queries and specific data
      retrieval routines. Gives each object simple name describing business
      purpose of data recognizable by user. User combines objects to create
      End user data access solution/front-end for relational databases.
      Enables end users to access relational databases from the desktop
      PC/workstation using familiar business terminology. Provides data
      representation, query and semantically dynamic objects methods for
      data access. Data analysis features include a report generator,
      graphing capabilities, and support for DDE protocols under Windows.
      Using the data representation technology, the user manipulates
      familiar business terms to extract data. Universes of Objects,
      defined by the IS manager, are representations of the database for a
      particular group of users, or a particular application. The
      Query-On-Business Objects technique defines the natural elements of a
      query, including the information to view, the conditions on the
      results and the sort order. Provides an end user report generator
      using a brick metaphor similar to resizable spreadsheet cells.
      Creates reports by arranging the bricks containing objects, text or
      user-defined variables and formulas. Graphing capabilities include
      2D/3D graphs and set of points graph types. Users can display query
      results, graphs and reports on-screen simultaneously, using windows
      and icons to compose an electronic dashboard. Allows IS managers to
      control the information environment, the security of the data servers
      and manage the integrity of the information. Through a client/server
      batch technique, end users can submit queries in a deferred mode.
      Supports popular relational databases.ÒÅÐÌÈÍÛ
        object-oriented technology
      ÄèñêîâàÿÏàìÿòü=2–3 MB 
      Ñòîèìîñòü=$595 per user 
        Business Objects, Inc.