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    Graphics Tools
    An OpenStep Interface Builder palette that lets users supply interactive
    graphs within an application by dragging objects from the application's
    palette. A collection of objects that graph almost any type of
    multiple-range, two-dimensional data. Three graphical objects are provided
    on the GraphPalette: the OTGraph for all graphing, the OTLegend for the
    graph's key, and the OTDMPump for testing the insertion of data in an
    OTGraph. Also provided with the palette is the OTDataMngr object, a
    representation of multiple-range, two-dimensional data with support for
    labels and titles. Also comes with 16 support objects, many of which
    support objects that are custom graph types that the OTGraph may use to
    plot the data. Provides many graph types including line, marked line,
    scatter, high-low, and bar graphs. Users can create their own custom graph
    types by subclassing one object and writing PostScript drawing commands.ÊÎÌÏÀÍÈÈ
      Objective Technologies Inc.
        Àäðåñ=New York, NY 212–988–6268 
        HTTP= http://www.object.com ->