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Abbott B., Bapty T., Biegl C. et al. Model-based software synthesis // IEEE Software.-1993.-May.-P. 42–52. 
An asymptotically optimal multiversion B-tree / Becker B., Gschwind S., Ohler T. et al // The VLDB Journal.-1996.-Vol.5, N 4.-P. 264–275.-Bibliogr.: 28 ref. 
Basu A., Ahad R. Using a relational database to support explanation in a knowledge-based system // IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.-1992.-v.4.-N 6.-P. 572–581. 
Chung T.Y., Kim J.K., Kim S.H. Building an influence diagram in a knowledge-based decision system // Expert Systems with Applications.-1992.-v.4.-N 1.-P. 33–44. 
Czejdo B., Eick C.F. Integrating sets, rules, and data in an object-oriented environment // IEEE Expert.-1993.-v.8.-N 1.-P. 59–66. 
Findler N.V., Maini S., Yuen A.F.M. SHRIF, a general-purpose system for heuristic retrieval of information and facts, applied to medical knowledge processing // Information Processing & Management.-1992.-v.28.-N 2.-P. 219–240. 
Ginsberg A. A unified approach to automatic indexing and information retrieval // IEEE Expert.-1993.-v.8.-N 5.-P. 46–56. 
IEEE Expert. Intelligent Systems & Their Applications.-1996.-Vol.11, N 5.-96 p. 
LVS Corporation. ORACLE CASE*Dictionary v.4.— 2 с. 
Leone N., Rullo P. Safe computation of the well-founded semantics of DATALOG queries // Information Systems.-1992.-v.17.-N 1.-P. 17–31. 
Pozzi S., Celentano C.A. Knowledge-based document filing // IEEE Expert.-1993.-v.8.-N 5.-P. 34–45. 
Roussopoulos N., Economou N., Stamenas A. ADMS: A testbed for incremental access methods // IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.-1993.-Vol.5, N 5.-P. 762–774. 
Semantic and schematic similarities between database objects: a context based approach / Kashyap V., Sheth A. // The VLDB Journal.-1996.-Vol.5, N 4.-P. 276–304.-Bibliogr.: 56 ref. 
Stonebraker M. The integration of rule systems and database systems // IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.-1992.-v.4.-N 5.-P. 415–423. 
Добыча данных: проходка новых штолен / Дик Т. // PC Week.-Russ. ed.-1997.-N 23.-C. 15–17. 
Системы и средства информации.-М.: Наука, 1993.-Вып. 5.